How To ...
This page describes how to create, format and translate content in the wiki.Images on this page expand when clicked.
If you want to get started straight away, you might find these quick references useful:
A Note about style and content
Remember that this is a guide to museum practice and not to museum theory. Write about what you do rather than what you think. Write from your own practical knowledge. References to theoretical frameworks can however be included in Bibliography/See Also/Further Reading sections.1.1. How To Create a New Concept Page
1.1.1. How To Position the Page in the Encyclopaedia Tree Structure
The Encyclopaedia Tree Structure will help readers to navigate and discover content. The Structure will also impart a level of relational meaning to the content pages. The Tree Structure creates the Tree Menu visible on the left of the Encyclopaedia.Go to the EncyclopaediaTree page and decide where in the Tree Structure the page belongs. The Encyclopaedia Tree can be navigated to from the Encyclopaedia option of the top bar menu.
If the new page is a top level Concept then it should be created directly from the EncyclopaediaTree page.
If the new page is not a top level Concept but is a narrower Concept than an existing one then select the page of the broader concept from the Encyclopaedia Tree and use the 'create a page' function at the top of that page, ticking the child box beside the name field.
It is ok to create blank pages in the Tree to position the page you are creating at the right place in the Tree.
1.1.2. Naming the Page
The Page Name should be the Page Title in 'Camel Case' with no spaces. So a page to be titled How To Title a Page would have the Page Name HowToTitleAPage. This format of page name is integral to the internal links of the wiki.1.1.3. How To Select the Page Language
Select the Language the new page will be in. This does not have to be the same language as the broader term!All the content of the page, the Page Name, the Title, the Headings, the Text etc should be in the same language selected when the page is created, unless a particular point is being made about a difference of practice between countries that can only be demonstrated using another language, in which case the use of the 'other' language should be in speech marks. See Using Speech Marks below.
1.1.4. Select the Page Category
Three initial categories have been created:- The Concept Category is to be used for Encyclopaedia entries.
- The Admin Category is for content that is about the use and administration of the Wiki/Encyclopaedia.
- The Authored Category will be used to capture a particular/personal point of view, irreconcilable with the communitarian ambition of the Encyclopaedia.
1.2. How To Edit a Page
There are a number of ways to start editing a page. The simplest is to double click on a page.Alternatively use the edit icon at the top right of the page
or the Edit This Page button at the bottom of the page.
The Wiki has two editing modes: Wiki Syntax and 'What You See Is What You Get' (WYSIWYG - pronounced wiziwig). The Project is as yet undecided on which edit mode is best and if both should be enabled. There do appear to be consequences of switching editing mode on the same page from one to the other mode. Please use the Forum or contact the Admin with any insights on the use of either edit mode.
Switch from one to the other using the pencil and arrow Switch Editor button. Appropriate Wiki Syntax is described, illustrated and exampled below in the How to Edit sections. There is a Sandbox page Sandbox which is a good place to have a play with the syntax and editing modes.
The WYSIWYG editor has a tendency to add unwanted whitespace, which is best removed in the Wiki Syntax editor. Switching from the Wiki Syntax editor to the WYSIWYG editor can cause all the mark up to become visible. If this happens re-open the page into edit, switch to WYSIWIG mode and save again.
1.3. How To Format a Page
1.3.1. How to Add a Page Title
The Page Title should be in Heading1 format. The Wiki Syntax for Heading1 is a single exclamation mark and a space before the title. The code for the title of this page is ! How To ... The Page Title should be the same as the Page Name but with the spaces added. So if as in the example given above the Page Name is HowToTitleAPage then the Title will be How To Title A Page.1.3.2. How to Add a Top Line Definition
Each concept page should have a one or two sentence definition of the concept immediately below the Page title. Use the title bar format -= Looks like this =-1.3.3. How to Add Sub Headings and Section Numbers
Sub Headings help to break up a page into manageable sections. Heading1 is reserved for the Page Title. Use Heading2, Heading3 and Heading4 formats for sub-headings. The Wiki automatically builds the Table of Contents (TOC) from the sub headings using these formats. Sub-Headings in Wiki Syntax are applied using exclamation marks and a space on a new line in front of text and Section numbers are applied by adding a # hash to the end of the exclamation marks. This wiki syntax !!!!# Heading4 gives this result: Heading4
See how this looks in Wiki Syntax edit mode and in the Table of Contents above.1.3.4. How to Add an Image
First import the image into the Wiki using the Choose or Import Image button on the bottom row of the Page Edit function buttons in Page Edit mode.To insert the newly uploaded image in the page use the link below the thumbnail in the Upload File pop up box.
To see and use the Wiki Image Syntax use the Syntax Tips button on the Upload File pop up box.
1.3.5. How to add Bold, Italic or Underlined text.
Both the Wiki Syntax and WYSIWYG editor modes have the usual text formatting buttons.The Wiki Syntax for Bold is two underscores either side of the text like this __Text__ Text
The Wiki Syntax for Italic is two single quote marks either side of the text like this ''Text'' Text
The Wiki Syntax for Underscore is three equals signs either side of the text like this ===Text=== Text
1.3.6. How to Use Quote Marks
To insert a quotation use the Quote button on the bottom row of the Page Edit function buttons in Page Edit mode. This produces a formatted box as demonstrated here. Always add a full reference to any quote. See How to Add a Reference below.
Cicero wrote:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce at turpis nibh. Mauris ut purus aliquam, bibendum enim vitae, tincidunt arcu. Nulla posuere ac justo in mattis. Fusce congue porta orci. Donec convallis faucibus nunc eget efficitur. Nullam iaculis felis id ipsum venenatis tincidunt. Mauris condimentum mi pellentesque, eleifend lacus in, bibendum tortor. Nunc vitae vehicula magna. Curabitur fermentum maximus arcu, vitae elementum mi.
1.3.7. How to Add a Reference
One of the most common and powerful things we do as museum practitioners (or perhaps this is just the bias of a practitioner of Museum Documentation ...) is to create and follow standards. It is an ambition of the Encyclopaedia of Museum Practice Project that the Encyclopaedia also become a universal reference facility of all the various standards used in museums. References and Further Reading sections are therefor integral to the conception of the Wiki. Creating a Reference Section
Before adding References in the text of a Wiki Page it is necessary to create a space at the bottom of the Page where the References can be listed. To do this use the Add Bibliography button on the bottom row of the Page Edit function buttons in Page Edit mode. TikiWiki uses the word Bibliography for lists of References where the references appear in the body of the text. If editors prefer this terminology they are of course welcome to use it. Cited Works is another possible heading for the section where references go.Put References (or the equivalent in the appropriate language for that page) as the Title, Select Yes for Show Title and Select 2 for the Heading Level. The Wiki Syntax this button creates looks like this and can be added without the button:
{showreference title="References" showtitle="yes" hlevel="2"} Place this code at the bottom of the page code after the final section of page text. Other items that may appear at the bottom of the page including the Footnote section and the Further Reading/See Also/Bibliography sections. The order these appear in should be 1) References 2) Footnotes 3) Further Reading/See Also/Bibliography Adding a Reference
Any work to be Referenced must first be created as a Biblio Code entry in the wiki. To do this go to the top of the edit screen and select the Properties Tab.Click on Add Reference and complete as many of the fields as are appropriate. References should be to reputable texts in the public domain.
Remember to remember or copy the Biblio ID as this is what will be entered when referencing the publication.
Returning to the Edit Page Tab, place the cursor at the end of the section to be referenced, usually before a comma or full stop.
Click on the Add Reference button and enter the appropriate Biblio Reference. The Wiki Syntax code will look like this: {addreference biblio_code="BiblioEG"} . And the reference will look like this1. See the References section below to see what the reference looks like there. Note that clicking on the number Reference in the body text takes the reader to the reference in the reference section.
1.3.8. How to Add a Footnote
Footnotes work in a very similar way to References above except that there is no need to add a Biblio reference. As for references a section needs to created where the Footnotes will appear before a Footnote can be added. Creating a Footnote section.
To create a Footnote section, click on the Footnote Area button. The Wiki Syntax this button creates looks like this and can be added without the button:{footnotearea } Unlike the showreference code the footnotearea code does not come with a title attribute so a title for the Footnote area must be added like this:
Place this code at the bottom of the page code. Other items may appear at the bottom of the page including the Reference section and the Further Reading/See Also/Bibliography sections. The order these appear in should be 1) References 2) Footnotes 3) Further Reading/See Also/Bibliography Adding a Footnote
To add a Footnote place the curser after the text the note will be about.Click on the Footnote button1 .
The Wiki Syntax code for a Footnote is {FOOTNOTE()} Text for the Footnote {FOOTNOTE}
To reference the same footnote again from another piece of text1 the code is {footnote sameas="1"}
Note that clicking on the Footnote number takes the reader to the footnote at the bottom of the page. Unlike for References clicking on the Footnote number in the Footnote area returns the reader to the position in the text where the Footnote was inserted.
Note also that both References and Footnotes start their numbering from 1. There is no way for the reader to know whether clicking on a number in the text will take them to a Reference or to a Footnote.
1.3.9. How to Add a Further Reading/See Also/Bibliography section
The Add Bibliography button was used to create the Reference section. Only works cited as references in the page will appear in the Reference section.To add a section pointing readers to more general and/or comprehensive supplementary works simple add a Heading2 heading and list the publications beneath. Any of the following are acceptable as headings for this final section: Further Reading, See Also, Bibliography or similar or whatever is appropriate in the language of the page.
!! Further Reading
*Smith 1865 The Beginnings of Museums
*Jones 2015 The End of Museums
*Brown 1920 Something in the Middle
Will look like:
To add links to Resources on-line see below. Please ensure that Resources on-line pointed to have stable URLs and are not behind any kind of paywall or registration requirement. The citation format preferred here is broadly, Author, Year, Title but as long as citations are consistent on a page and intelligible then no-one will get too upset we hope.
1.3.10. How to Link to Another Concept/Page in the Encyclopaedia
Links to Other Concepts/Pages are highly encouraged and very desirable. This is also a good opportunity to suggest pages that need to be created. Adding Links to Pages that do not yet exist is not only not a problem but an excellent way to create a To Do list for the Encyclopaedia community. See 'Pages To Be Created' below.To add a hyperlink to another page in the Wiki highlight the text to be linked then use the Wiki Link button on the bottom row of the Page Edit function buttons in Page Edit mode.
The Wiki Syntax for a Wiki Page link is ((TestPage|Wiki Link Text)) which looks like this: Wiki Link Text
1.3.11. How to Link to a Particular Section of a Concept Page (Anchor)
To create a link to a specific section of a Wiki Page, be it on the same page or on a different page, it is first necessary to add an Anchor Name to the section to be linked to. Adding an Anchor Name
To add an Anchor Name place the curser where the anchor is to be inserted then click the Anchor Name button on the bottom row of the Page Edit function buttons in Page Edit mode. Select a name for the anchor and remember to remember or make a note of it.The Wiki Syntax for an Anchor link is {ANAME()}HowToAnchor{ANAME} . Anchors are not visible on the page to a reader. Adding a Link to an Anchor on the Same Page
To add a hyperlink to an Anchor on the same page highlight the text to be linked then use the Anchor Link button on the bottom row of the Page Edit function buttons in Page Edit mode. Add the name of the Anchor to be navigated to, leave the Page Name blank and click the Replace button.The Anchor Link button is identical in appearance to the Wiki Link button but is next to the Anchor Name button.
The Wiki Syntax for an Anchor link is {ALINK(aname="ExampleAnchor")}Anchor Link{ALINK} which looks like this: Anchor Link Adding a Link to an Anchor on a Different Page
To add a hyperlink to an Anchor on a different page highlight the text to be linked then use the Anchor Link button on the bottom row of the Page Edit function buttons in Page Edit mode. Add the name of the Anchor to be navigated to, and the Page Name and click the Replace button.The Anchor Link button is identical in appearance to the External Link button but is next to the Anchor Name button.
The Wiki Syntax for an Anchor link to another Page is {ALINK(aname="TestPageAnchor" pagename="TestPage")}Anchor Link{ALINK} which looks like this: Anchor Link
1.3.12. How to Link to an External Web Page or Other Resource
To add a hyperlink to another web site, or other on-line resource highlight the text to be linked and use the External Link button on the bottom row of the Page Edit function buttons in Page Edit mode.The External Link button is identical in appearance to the Anchor Link button but is at the right end of the row.
The Wiki Syntax for a Link to an exteral page or other resource is [|Link to CIDOC website] which looks like this: Link to CIDOC website
Please ensure that External Resources linked to have stable URLs and are not behind any kind of paywall or registration requirement.
1.4. How To Translate a Page
To see what translations exist of a page, or to start a new translation, click on the world symbol at the top right of the page.Clicking on the world icon will bring up the Translations Manager popup.
Click on Translate ...
... and then click on Translate this Page to a new language. Select the language the new page will be in. Retain the category and Tree Structure position of the page being translated.
Translations should be as faithful to the wording, style, layout and meaning to the page being translated as the exercise of translation permits. Differences in practice between different countries, regions, language users, etc. should be recorded by using a Heading of 'In Somewhereland'. All pages that are translations of each other should be, to all intents and purposes, identical except for the language that they are written in.
1.4.1. How to Translate Labels and other wiki function text
Labels and other functional text and headings can be translated as well as content. Once a phrase has been translated once, it will be translated everywhere it is used. As Language Administrators' emerge they will be given label translation permissions for the language/s they administrate. To suggest/request/demand label translations please contact the administrator. Contact Administrator1.5. New Languages
The easiest way to see a list of the languages initiated is to open the Switch Language dropdown. Additional languages are relatively easy to add, simply email the administrator, but please be prepared to do some work translating content and labels if you are suggesting new languages.1.6. How to Roll Back (return to an earlier version)
Rolling back to an earlier version can be useful if an edit goes badly wrong. It can also be used to log disagreement with changes made to a page. To roll back click on the History button at the foot of the page when not in edit mode.Click on previous versions to see them next to the current version. Click on the b to select a version to roll back to.
1.7. Pages To Be Created - Wanted Pages
Tiki Wiki assumes that any text string in Camel Case with no spaces like this CamelCase is a wiki page name for either an existing page in the wiki, to which it will automatically link, or a page waiting to be created. Note the blue question mark that appears after CamelCase. This indicates that this is now a Wanted Page and it will appear on the Wanted Pages list on the Wanted Pages page. If a page is then created with that name then the link will become live. When writing text in a page it is therefor useful to write the names of concepts that might not yet but exist but will later in Camel case with no spaces. Such as yet uncreated pages are known as wanted Pages and are listed on the Wanted Pages page. This list of the pages the wiki is looking for can act as a useful To Do list for any editor looking for suggestions of what page to create next.1.8. How to Search the Encyclopaedia
Return to How To Add an Anchor
Further Reading
Tiki Wiki Groupware community Documentation