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Alle Verwaltungsaufgaben, die mit der Pflege und Nutzung von Museumssammlungen zusammenhängen. 

"As we haveproven,information managementtakes into accountthe intelligence servicesthat workin an organizationforthe organization itselfas an informationsystem, asevery organizationreceives, processesandsends dataand information,as withthe museums.... In theAmericancontext, itisunderstoodthe documentationas a facet of'managementof the collections'fromthe seventies.Alsotriumphedthis term(collectionmanagement)andconceptin the UK, understandingwhich is based ontwo basic operations:the conservation anddocumentation ofobjectsand informationassociated with them....Therefore, the trendin the Anglo-Saxoncontextis the progressiveconsolidation ofinformation managementterminstead ofdocumentation, butunderstoodwithin thatvertebralportion of themuseumis the management ofcollections."  Free translationfrom Spanish toPortuguese. Google translation from Portuguese.

MARÍN TORRES, María Teresa. Historia de la documentación museológica: la gestión de la memoria artística. Espanha: Editora Trea, 2002. p. 303-304.